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Banteay Torp Pagoda

Banteay Chhmarr District-Cambodia 2022

Whilst visiting the Banteay Torp Temple in Banteay Chhmar district, right within the same complex is the very new looking Pagoda. Beautifully adorned with exquisite paintings I had to do a separate slideshow for this building in it's own right.

Posted by TheJohnsons 04:46 Archived in Cambodia Tagged pagoda #travel #tourism #art #ancient #buddhism #vacation #culture #archeology #architecture #cambodia #jungle #temple #unesco #asia #old #landmark #building #heritage #religious #religion #monument #structure #famous #stone #forest chhmar #tree #historic #kingdom #sisophon #wat #kampuchea #angkor #foliage #kambodjia #lokeshvara #khmer #carving #remote #sandstone #rock #bas-relief #liana #banteay #reap #cambodian #ruin #pagoda

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