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Banteay Torp or ‘Fortress of the Army’

Banteay Chhmarr- Cambodia

Banteay Torp (pronounced Tor-op) Temple is a fascinating and interesting temple site. The name is thought to mean ‘Fortress of the Army’ and it was built during the same period as the Banteay Chhmar temple complex. It is believed to have been built as a tribute to the Khmer army for their defeat of the Cham army leading to Khmer control of the region. The temple is located about 12 km south of Banteay Chhmar.

The site basically consists of three large (and very precarious looking) stone towers. Also, you can visit the nearby pagoda with its lovely wall paintings. The trip to Banteay Torp will take you through small villages, a large water reservoir and picturesque rice fields.

Posted by TheJohnsons 04:21 Archived in Cambodia Tagged #travel #tourism #art #ancient #buddhism #vacation #culture #archeology #architecture #cambodia #jungle #temple #unesco #asia #old #landmark #building #heritage #religious #religion #monument #structure #famous #stone #forest #tree #historic #kingdom #chhmar #sisophon #wat #kampuchea #angkor #foliage #kambodjia #lokeshvara #khmer #carving #remote #sandstone #rock #bas-relief #liana #banteay #reap #cambodian #ruin

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